Italy is not high in natural resources; therefore, they must depend on other countries to import a lot of the resources they need. One of the natural resources Italy is low on is wood. Only twenty percent of Italy is forest areas; therefore, Italy has no where to pull from to get wood. Italy also used to have a great fishing industry, but due to all the pollution and over fishing, the fishing grounds aren't what they used to be; therefore, Italy exports very little fish now which doesn't help them in the long run. While it is true Italy does still have fish, beef, pork, lamb, etc. they must get meat imported from other countries in order to have enough for it's population to consume. Italy is also interdependent on other countries in order to import resources to produce machinery, shoes, cloth, cars, leather goods, etc. 

Italy's interdependence on other countries is helpful to them. In a way it is economic, not only because they can sell the products in their own land, but the goods they receive from other countries they are able to manufacturer in their own factories and create cars, clothing, etc. to export back to other countries. While this is a positive affect, Italy also has the negative side as well because as mentioned before they are not high in natural resources and do have to import a lot of goods in order to keep their country running. I think men and women both benefit from the globalization of Italy though because the imports they are bringing in help to create jobs in factories to make new products.